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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Eden’s Yilan Education and Nursing Institute Holds Mock Election for Residents with disabilities to practice civil rights.

The 2024 presidential election is approaching, and the number of persons with disabilities who are less favored by election analysis in Taiwan, has already exceeded 1.2 million. According to the 2022 Annual Report on the Living Conditions and Needs of Persons with Disabilities, 5.82% of persons with disabilities encountered difficulties during the election or voting period. Whether it was the cumbersome campaign propaganda, election rules, or poorly-designed polling station lines, the reason for the much lower voter turnout rate of persons with disabilities compared to other ethnic communities.


Eden’s Yilan Education and Nursing Instituteheld a mock election today on 30th, Sep. Residents brought their ID cards, signets, and voting slips to the polling station early in the morning to practice their right to vote.


Disabilities, which states that the government shall ensure that persons with disabilities participate fully in political and public life on an equal basis with others, including the right and opportunity to vote and to stand for election, the Eden’s Yilan Education and Nursing Instituteheld a mock election on 30th of September, to elect the chairperson of the Resident's Assembly, representatives of the Dining Services and Rights Committee. Residents participated in the whole process from nomination, canvassing, voting, opening and thanking for the votes, hoping to understand the election process, the voting method, and to improve their thinking skills at the same time.


With the help of volunteers, residents used toe stamps for identity verification.


Mr. Yu-Wei Lee, Chief, Social Work Section, Yilan Education and Nursing Instituteof Eden, said that all 190 residents of Yilan Education and Nursing Institutehave the right to vote, but in the past, only 1 to 2 residents have voted with the help of their family members, and the main reasons for not voting were that they were not in the place of domicile, were bedridden due to illness, and their family members were unable to help. This year, in order for residents to enhance their self-expression and advocacy skills, with the support of social workers and educare givers, the election process was completely modeled after that of the Election Commission, and the ballot box and voting facilities were borrowed from the Election Commission to create a realistic environment, so that residents would have a greater sense of immediacy when they participated.


A-Chang, a 48-year-old man with severely intellectual disabilities, came to Eden’s Yilan Education and Nursing Institute18 years ago because his mother could not take care of him after his father passed away. He has never had any experience in election, but after being explained by the social worker and the educare giver, he took the initiative to say that he would like to run for the president of the Residents' Assembly, in order to realize his political views, which are to allow residents to buy bread and beverages according to their own preferences when they participate in events.


Before the voting day, A-Chang made promotional fans with the social worker, hoping to have the opportunity to serve the community.


In order to convey his desire to serve the community, A-Chang often discussed with the social worker how to publicize and canvass for votes, and he was very involved. On the polling day, A-Chang came to the polling station early in the morning in full costume and cast his sacred vote in front of everyone. After learning that A-Chang had taken the initiative to participate in the election, his mother was proud of his child's ability to express his opinions and thoughts, and wished him good luck on the polling day.


A-Chang cast his sacred vote in front of everyone.

For persons with disabilities, they need to break through many barriers before they can realize their civil rights such as election and voting. Eden organizes mock elections to enhance residents' experience and awareness of civic participation. At the same time, Eden also calls on the government to prioritize the selection of polling stations with barrier-free facilities, install screens at the polling stations for persons with disabilities, compile an easy-to-read polling guide booklet, and prioritize the voting of persons with disabilities, in order to create a friendly environment that protects the rights of persons with disabilities to participate in politics and public issues.