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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Happy White Cane Safety Day

The International Day of the Blind on October 15th  originated from the White Cane Festival in Europe. The white cane is a mobility aid for the persons with visually impaired, assisting them to live independently and safely, as well as a symbol for them.


The festival aims to raise public awareness to the persons with visually impaired and to enhance the quality of life and rights.


In Eden Social Welfare Foundation Visually Impaired Service department, there is a group of persons with visually impaired who love music and are brave enough to pursue their dreams. They are training professionally in choral singing, instrumental playing, lyrics writing and body development, forming a visually impaired orchestra/chorus to share life and care for the underprivileged through music.

On this special day, we would like to wish all a happy White Cane Safety Day!