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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Fusionex Group Gives Love across the Sea Donates Supplies to Improve the Living Quality for the Persons with Disabilities

Have you ever experienced the inconvenience when going out? In Taiwan, there are more than 1.2 million persons with disabilities. In their daily lives, they face discrimination, differential treatment, employment adaptation, family support, and other problems due to their physical and mental limitations, and they are isolated from the community. In order to provide diversified services and improve their quality of life, Fusionex Group, a Malaysian company, donated a total of 31 boxes of Easy-Change Diapers, Adult Diapers (Medium Size, Large Size) to Love Happy Nursing Center and Aide Nursing Center for use. Let service users to have a comfortable and secured environment for a better quality of life.


Photo:Thank to Fusionex Group for helping the persons with disabilities improve their quality of lives.


According to the Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Love Happy and Aide Nursing Center are 24hr Residential Care Institutions, most of the service users are severe disabled people, and they are unable to take care of themselves, who require 24-hour care. Therefore, the needs for nursing workers and resources are more than those of other institutions. Without sufficient resources and complete services, the degeneration of service users' body functions will be accelerated. 

Thanks to Fusionex Group's dedication to charity, besides easing the discomfort caused by urination and defecation, it is also convenient to clean up and enhance the quality of Eden's services. We expect that more companies will join with Eden on the road of charity in the future.

Photo: Fusionex Group donates 31 boxes of Easy-Change Diapers to the persons with disabilities.


Thanks to Fusionex Group's dedication to charity, besides easing the discomfort caused by urination and defecation, it is also convenient to clean up and enhance the quality of Eden's services. We expect that more companies will join with Eden on the road of charity in the future.