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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

The Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Toward Housing for Older Adults 從COVID-19學到關於老年人住房的經驗教訓

Older adults become increasing isolation in suburban homes and communities with aging and less mobility. COVID-19 has exacerbated this isolation and highlighted the importance of homes.




Survey from Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging confirms that a significant majority of older adultsin the U.S want to stay at their homes as they age. But only 1% of American homes offer basic universal design features that make homes accessible: no-step entry, single-floor living, extra-wide hallways and doorways, wheelchair-height electrical controls, and lever handles on doors and faucets. 

Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging調查證實,隨著年紀增長,絕大多數老年人希望留在家中。但只有1% 的美國家庭提供基本的通用設計功能,使住宅無障礙:無台階入口、單層居住、超寬走廊和出入口、輪椅高度的電氣控制,以及門和水龍頭上的槓桿把手。



Houses with healthy air and touchless systems are also popular, but this still poses a risk of isolating those with restricted mobility in later life.




Dr. Chris from Harvard University indicates that the pandemic also highlights the benefits of living in a public housing arrangement, but only one-third of older adultswho are eligible for subsidized housing are able to obtain one of these homes. Those who cannot access this public assistance can only choose to live with their children and grandchildren to make ends meet.

哈佛大學的Chris 博士指出,疫情也凸顯安排在公共住宅居住的好處,但只有三分之一有資格獲得住房補貼的長者能夠在其中居住。無法獲得這種政府補助的人只能選擇與子女和孫子輩一起生活以維持生計。



The proportion of the population living in multigenerational households has been increasing in recent decades. Older adultsliving in these households are at risk for transmission of COVID-19 from younger family members who are still working, shopping, and using public transportation.




The epidemic experience underscores the need for expanded housing assistance that will enable older adultsto live independently and access safe and accessible supportive housing as they age.






Older people – especially those living alone – are particularly worried about the impact of the pandemic on their mental and physical health need(Shutterstock)





COVID-19 and the Future of Aging: Housing for Older Adults
