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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Eden wishes you have a happy Valentine's Day

!!Happy Valentine!! 

Valentine is a symbol of ultimate love and we celebrate it on February 14th every year. It’s not just a chance to show your love to lovers, but also families, friends and colleagues. Jesus always says that people would know us by our love. Likewise, the founder of Eden Social Welfare Foundation Ms. Liu Hsia once said, “ I have nothing but love”, which directly proves that her life is a testimony to the love of Christ. 

Even Ms. Liu lived with the wheelchair and suffered fromrheumatoid arthritis, she was never beaten by the chronical illness. Hence, she cared for each person with disability with all her heart to protect their rights and promote issues and also, the persons with disabilities are all surrounded by love due to the effort from Ms. Liu Hsia.

Why not express your love and gratitude to the ones you love, to the whom you

cherish and concern about?