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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Keeping Flying Everywhere Bravely, D.D. Angels Graduated!

Keelung City Government committed the children day care of Disabled Welfare Service Center toEden Foundation, a total of six children graduated in this summer! The service center specially held the graduation ceremony, which called“2021 Eden Children Fly with Courage together”, at the lobby on 20th.  There were four new graduates graduating from elementary school, and two transferring to the kindergarten. These children and the relatives tried harder, putting much more effort to learn and experience!

Issue a graduation certificate, and bless D.D. Angels fly bravely


den Keelung Service Center appreciated support and care from all walks of life, as well as the acceptance of children by Anle, Qidu, Keelung special education school, preschool from Ikunei Elementary School, and preschool from Zhongxiao Elementary School. During the ceremony, the graduate presented dance performance passionately for their teachers to show their learning achievement in the center. We hope the graduates will keep this wonderful memory in mind forever.

Non-Graduating Students gave sincerest bless to the graduates


Keelung Service Center has set up children day care for 22 years. In these years of accompany with D.D. Angels and their families, the public could understand and embrace children with disabilities and their families under the efforts of all. Gradually, it has reached the goal of zero rejection on transferring school admission.  We create a friendly environment Jointly for D.D. Angels to fly high now.

Eden Foundation showed that children with disabilities maybe develope slowly in some fields, but they can do a great work after several practice and company, which needs the public to give them a chance to step across barriers and create a better future. As long as never give up on every process and experience of growth, it will be the most important turning points in their lives.