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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Eden Love Children Happiness Festival and Illustration Character Shiba Says advocating that all children should be loved

In order to call on all walks of life to pay attention to the development needs of children, the Eden Foundation held a "Love Children Happiness Festival Philanthropic Fair and the Secondhand Keepsake of Cyber Celebrity Charity Bazaar" at the front square of Decathlon Nantun Store a few days ago on 27th, May where there were Slow-Flying Angels water parent-child sports games, a charity bazaar, lucky drew activities, and so on, and invited illustration character Shiba Says to be the charity ambassador to have fun with the children and adults. This year, a large air pool was set up and a new water playground area was added for children to play in the water. Eden hopes that this event will help the public to know more about Slow-Flying Angels and call for everyone to pay attention to the development of children and the growth needs of Slow-Flying Angels.


Eden Love Children Happiness Festival Water Playground Area where children can play in water to cool off


This time, Eden invited famous star, the strongest mommy Tong-Tong Bay, and popular cyber celebrity, Li Chang, Hana Xing Magician, and Taoyuan Pauian Pilots Crew cheerleaders, Orange Lai and Ava Lu, to join the Slow-Flying Angels families in the water playground area for stand up paddle SUP activity, and invited two aerobic instructors from World Gym to lead Ms. April Huang, Director General Resources Development Division of Eden Foundation, as well as illustration character Xiao-Tian, A-Li, and Shiba Says, and the audience to break the ice and warm up together to kick off the whole event.


The aerobics instructor from World Gym leading the audience to warm up together


After the warm-up, five guests rowed the children in a race. The five guests actively and patiently accompanied the children to complete the race, although some children were slightly nervous during the process, but after a few rounds, the children gradually got used to the activity and completed the race bravely to unlock the tasks.Eden also hopes to promote the concept of "all children should be loved" and "inclusive society" to the community through the event.


The five invited guests join the Slow-Flying Angel families for stand up paddle SUP activity


Hana Xing Magician joined the Philanthropic Fair later and folded balloons for the children on site. Together with the charity booths formed by other caring manufacturers, all income from the charity bazaar will be used to fund the "Service Programs for Underprivileged Children". Shiba League, the police dog team from the Fourth Precinct of Taichung City Police Department, and the event charity ambassador, Shiba Says, also appeared to have fun with the public. The radiant police dog immediately attracted the attention of many children, and everyone was happy to take pictures with the illustration character Shiba Says and the police dog.


Philanthropic Fair attracts many children and adults to visit


This year, Eden Foundation conducted a survey on the current situation of childcare for 0~6 years old, and found that nearly 40% of the caregivers who face the developmental delay of child growth were not willing to seek help due to traditional thinking or fear of being labeled, and most of them chose to wait and observe. And 40% of parents will not seek out reach help when they encounter parenting problems. Parents play a very important role in their children's development, but there can be more than one Superhero to accompany the children to grow up smoothly. When parents encounter parenting problems, just remember to seek help, especially in the face of slow-flying angels, and remember to grasp the golden growth period to help their children catch up with their growth. To give the children quality companionship and support the children to grow up without getting delay.


Eden hopes to promote the concept of "all children should be loved" and " inclusive society " to the community through the event