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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

How persons with disabilities in the Pacific islands increase their resilience against climate and disaster risks

熱帶氣旋、地震、海嘯和火山爆發等自然災害對每個人都有影響。由於各種生理、溝通、政策和態度方面的障礙,身障者受影響更鉅。據估計2020 年至少有150 萬太平洋島民有某種形式的身障,比例還會增加—這就是為什麼災害風險管理(Disaster Risk Management, DRM) 干預措施必須確保身障者的充分參與和平等權利,以及降低所有人的風險。

Natural disasters such as cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions have an impact on everyone. Persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable due to a variety of physical, communication, policy, and attitude barriers. It was estimated that at least 1.5 million Pacific Islanders lived with some form of disability in 2020, and the prevalence of disability is expected to rise—which is why disaster risk management (DRM) interventions must ensure the full participation and equal rights of the persons with disabilities, as well as risk reduction for all.

太平洋群島當地政府、社區組織和個人正在採取具體措施,以確保在災難發生之前、期間或之後沒有人被遺落。所有太平洋島國都簽署了國際條約和架構,例如仙台減災綱領(2015-2030) 和太平洋身障者權利架構(2016-2025)。該區域正透過立法和政策以確保身障者的安全和福祉。雖然實施這些法規可能很困難,但有一些實用的方式可促進身障者有意義地參與從社區到國家層級的災害風險管理活動。

Local governments, community organizations, and individuals in the Pacific Islands are taking specific steps to ensure that no one is left behind before, during, or after a disaster. All Pacific countries have signed on to international treaties and frameworks like the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the Pacific Framework for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2016-2025). Local legislation and policies to ensure the safety and well-being of the persons with disabilities are being enacted around the region. While implementing those regulations can be difficult, there are practical ways to facilitate meaningful participation of the persons with disabilities in DRM activities at all levels, from the community to the national.

透過澳洲政府的支持,全球減災和復原基金(Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, GFDRR) 持續努力找出太平洋地區將身障者納入國家災害風險管理流程和投資計劃間的差距。這包括世界銀行資助的吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島和萬那杜的韌性計畫,這些計畫旨在將身障因素納入考量(例如確保公共建築和基礎設施的普遍無障礙環境)以確保改善發展成果的實際行動。

With support from the Australian government, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) has been assisting those efforts by identifying gaps in the inclusion of the persons with disabilities in national DRM processes and investment programs across the Pacific region. This includes World Bank-funded resilience projects in Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, and Vanuatu in identifying practical actions to improve development outcomes by incorporating disability considerations such as ensuring universal accessibility in public buildings and infrastructure.


The principle is "nothing about us, without us," and there are many scalable and replicable approaches to include the persons with disabilities as active actors in the resilience agenda:

  • 收集和分類更好的數據,以制定身障者融合的災害風險管理政策和經營計畫。
  • 連結身障融合政策和立法以及災害風險管理專案和政策。
  • 使早期預警系統更能滿足身障者的具體需求。
  • 向國家系統和網路提供援助。
  • Gather and disaggregate better data for developing disability-inclusive DRM policy and operational planning.
  • Link disability inclusion policies and legislation to DRM programs and policies.
  • Make early warning systems more responsive to specific needs of the persons with disabilities.
  • Provide assistance to national systems and networks.
  • 全球減災和復原基金還與其他夥伴合作,在世界其他地區的災害風險管理專案中尋找支持身障者的機會。以加勒比地區為例,當地已促進知識交流和學習活動。透過讓身障者參與減少災害風險和適應環境的設計和執行,他們能夠更好地做出符合其最佳利益的決定和行動。

    GFDRR has also collaborated with other partners to identify opportunities to support the persons with disabilities in DRM programs around the world and in other regions. Knowledge exchanges and learning events, for example, have been promoted throughout the Caribbean. By involving the persons with disabilities in the design and implementation of disaster risk reduction and adaptation efforts, they are better equipped to make decisions and take actions that are in their best interests.


    Photo:在馬紹爾群島馬久羅的Jenrok 村,一名男子推著他祖母的輪椅站在水中。(世界銀行的Vlad Sokhin提供)

    A man standing in the water with a wheelchair of his grandmother in Jenrok village, Majuro in the Marshall Islands. (Supplied/Vlad Sokhin from World Bank)



    “Nothing about us, without us”: How persons with disabilities in the Pacific islands can help build resilience to climate and disaster risks
