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Eden Social Welfare Foundation

Celebrating the International Workers’ Day

Today is the International Workers’ Day, also known as Labor Day. It is a day for us to honor the labors and appreciate their hard works and dedications.

The concept of the Labor Day could be traced back to 1886. On May 1st, a series of labor movements took place around Haymarket, Chicago along with some incidents. Several years later, May 1st was chosen to be Labor Day to commemorate the 1886 Haymarket affair and the concept of 8-working-hours was established. 

At Eden, starting from 1983 we have been supporting persons with disabilities to utilize their workforce by organizing occupational therapies, rehabilitation services, and by promoting accessible working environments. 

Today, let’s celebrate together for all the labors that build up this world for us with their strength and endless efforts.


Workers are working hard to make the environment better